It's the original J.G. Stewart reporting to you today from the living room desktop while Mommy is busy with Jack. We had quite the day. Mommy has this thing about service, and she was very excited to participate in the Stake Day of Service today. She signed up to babysit 4 kids. That would mean six of us all together. Her friend, Miss Bridgette came over to help.
Then we found out that the kid's mommies and daddies had things come up so that they couldn't go serve...so the kids had to stay at home instead of play under my dominion--erm--share my toys.
So Mommy and Miss Bridgette tried to think of a different way to serve others. Miss Bridgette took me and Jack on a walk while Mommy mowed the lawn and weeded the strawberry beds. The strawberries reminded us of a farm where we could pick lots of them, so we decided to go pick strawberries for some of our friends that can't get out of bed right now.
But guess what? Jack, Miss Bridgette, Mommy, and I drove all the way out to the Strawberry Farm and it was closed.
But right next to the strawberry farm was a very interesting place called Bee City. So we stopped in there for lunch. And then guess what? There were emus there! And Alpacas and lemurs and capuchins and great big blue, green, and red parrots (did I tell you I know my colors now?) and baby bunnies I could pet, and goats and beehives and llamas, and turkeys, and wallabies and all sorts of other wonderful creatures. Mommy bought two different kinds of food and they ate right out of my hand! Mommy promises we'll go back there with a camera so everyone can see how much fun it is. She thinks we'll have a Joy School field trip there, and maybe go with Daddy too.
We had a great time. There were also giant statues of horses and dinosaurs and warthogs and turtles, and I rode every one! Miss Bridgette helped me a lot, and mommy carried Jack. We learned all about bees and beehives and got to taste fresh honey. Mommy bought some for us to eat at home. Mommy told me all about my grandma who loves bees and beekeeping. I'm going to visit her soon, and now I'm extra excited to see her and talk to her about bees.
When we got home, we said good bye to Miss Bridgette and Mommy gave Jack and me a long lukewarm bath to wash off the rabbit poop and monkey food crumbs. Then we had fresh bread (from Miss Tammy) and fresh butter and honey and apples for supper. Then we watched Quest for Camelot and Mommy put my hair in curlers so it will be beautiful and bouncy for church tomorrow. She even made us popcorn!
So we were sad that we didn't get to serve any humans (we served monkey o's to the monkeys and pellets to the llamas and alpacas) but Mommy says it will be okay if we keep trying to serve other people. When we serve, we do nice things like not pull Jack's hair. I was very good at not pulling hair today. I even played peek-a-boo with him this morning and made him smile. And I wear panties, which is nice for mommy because she doesn't have to change as many diapers. I think I will be good server when I'm grown up.
I have to go now. Mommy thinks I'm asleep in bed, and I think she's coming in to finish preparing her church things and write her book on the computer.
Signing off,
the ORIGINAL J.G. Stewart