It's me again. Big announcement: Daddy has finally applied to Grad School! At least, I can tell that he is excited about it. All I know is that his reading abilities are OK. I know, because Grandpa and Grandma Stewart gave me a set of children's encyclopaedias. They sit on a shelf in my room and every night before I go to bed, Mommy or Daddy will read to me from them. After that, its prayer, song time, and I go to sleep. You know, early to bed, early to sneak off to the computer in the middle of the night, and then late to rise. It's a good life...
As for my life, here are a few candid photos of my daily, or almost daily, activities. First of all:

Oatmeal! What can I say? I'm a good Stewart.

After breakfast, any day with my best friend Sadie is a good day. Packing peanuts are never a bad thing either.
Grandpa and Grandma Stewart also gave me some really cool cooking things for Christmas. These are best spread out across the floor of the living room. However, if I want to work on something in particular, I can take to my very own work table. Fried corn is yummy!

Of course, cleanliness is next to godliness. Besides, Mommy and Daddy think that its cute when I scrub my table down. Rule number one of Jane's business success secrets: Cuteness = leverage. Archimedes said "Give me a leaver long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall more the world." Jane says that Mommy's heart is a wonderful fulcrum, and with just enought "leverage" anything is possible. Just think, lots of raisins today, a kittycat at Christmas, and on my sixteenth birthday, a pink ferrari!

And finally, for those fuzzy friends who leverage their cuteness with me... well, they are so cuddly! I guess what goes around comes around.

This is a picture of Mommy's favorite piece of furniture. Even my cuteness hasn't gotten eating privileges on it yet... Notice the coat. Daddy claims he is trying to find a wood stove insert to make the fireplace more fuel efficient. I think he turns down the central heating just for fun to see if he can bring out the eskimo in mommy and me.

Signing out,
